Popular Courses

Course Categories

Bespoke Training

The Academy offers a large range of courses available to you and your staff, however we understand that your service area is unique and therefore you may need something a... read more →

Mentoring Young People

This session is aimed at managers, supervisors or mentors of young people employed within the Council via the Corporate Apprenticeship Scheme or on placement via the Looked After Children’s Traineeship... read more →

Customer Care – First Steps

This course is ideal for anyone seeking training in customer service and customer care. The majority of delegates attending our customer services courses are in customer facing or customer support... read more →

Managing Customer Service

Managing Customer Service training is aimed at senior managers and line managers. It helps participants to develop an effective customer service strategy, design and implement systems that focus on meeting... read more →

Deaf Awareness

Our deaf awareness course uniquely combines information about the latest technology and communication skills, brining you up to date with today’s world. Train your staff in Deaf Awareness and ensure... read more →

Mental Health in the Workplace

The Council is committed to ending mental health stigma and discrimination within our workplace. This course for senior managers and line managers will ensure that we create a workplace where... read more →

Stress Control 1:1

This course is aimed at employees who are struggling with their stress levels and require 1:1 treatment. We work with 5 individual employees, over 4 half day sessions, over 4... read more →

Stress Control Programme

Stress is a natural body response to mental or emotional pressure and some stress can help you to stay focused, energised, alert and motivated. It’s only when stress becomes overwhelming,... read more →

Welsh Language

The City of Cardiff Council Academy is proud to offer Welsh Courses, at all levels, for all Council staff. The courses are delivered to you in co-operation between the Academy... read more →

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